Clinical Relevance: Percutaneous Liver Biopsy
A percutaneous liver biopsy is procedure used to obtain a sample of liver tissue. A needle is inserted through the skin to access the liver.
The biopsy is required in several clinical scenarios:
Clinical Relevance: Variation in Arterial Supply to the Kidney
The kidneys present a great variety in arterial supply; these variations may be explained by the ascending course of the kidney in the retroperitoneal space, from the original embryological site of formation (pelvis) to the final destination (lumbar area). During this course, the kidneys are supplied by consecutive branches of the iliac vessels and the aorta.
The average fetal heart rate is between 110 and 160 beats per minute. It can vary by 5 to 25 beats per minute. The fetal heart rate may change as your baby responds to conditions in your uterus. An abnormal fetal heart rate may mean that your baby is not getting enough oxygen or that there are other problems.
The kidneys are bilateral bean-shaped organs, reddish-brown in colour and located in the posterior abdomen. Their main function is to filter and excrete waste products from the blood. They are also responsible for water and electrolyte balance in the body.
Anatomical Position
The liver is predominantly located in the right hypochondrium and epigastric areas, and extends into the left hypochondrium.
When discussing the anatomical position of the liver, it is useful to consider its external surfaces, associated ligaments, and the anatomical spaces (recesses) that surround it.
By TeachMeSeries Ltd (2023)
The right atrium (RA) occupies the cranial heart base and, like the LA, consists of a large, cavernous chamber and a small, muscular appendage known as the right auricle, which projects cranially and to the left.
The aortic arch is the segment of the aorta that helps distribute blood to the head and upper extremities via the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid, and the left subclavian artery. The aortic arch also plays a role in blood pressure homeostasis via baroreceptors found within the walls of the aortic arch.
The liver is a wedge-shaped organ that is located underneath the diaphragm in the right upper abdominal quadrant. It is covered by a capsule and connected to surrounding structures
Anatomical Position
The kidneys lie retroperitoneally (behind the peritoneum) in the abdomen, either side of the vertebral column.
They typically extend from T12 to L3, although the right kidney is often situated slightly lower due to the presence of the liver. Each kidney is approximately three vertebrae in length.
The adrenal glands sit immediately superior to the kidneys within a separate envelope of the renal fascia.