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  1. Ascaris lumbricoides – Round Worm
  • It is a specimen of Ascaris lumbricoides .
  • Agent – Ascaris lumbricoides ( Nematode)
  • Distribution of the worm – Worldwide, prevalent in India
  • Habitat – Small intestine (Jejunum)
  • Largest intestinal nematode
  • Morphology of adult worm 
  • Colour – Light brown or pink when fresh, changes to white
  • Shape – Rounded and tapering at both ends, Anterior end is thinner than posterior
  • Mouth opens at anterior end and possesses 3 finely toothed lips
  • Pathogenecity: 
    • Due to adult:
      • About 80% infections are asymptomatic
      • Mild infection-intestinal disorder, malnutrition,+/- abdominal pain
    • Due to migrating larva:
      • Loeffler’s syndrome
      • Allergic reaction     

2.Hydatid cyst

  • Hydatid disease is a parasitic infestation by a tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus.
  • Hydatid cyst It is a fluid-filled bladder-like cyst, unilocular, subspherical in shape and average size measure up to 5-8 cm.
  • Cyst wall consists of three layers: outer pericyst (host derived), middle ectocyst and inner endocyst
  • Brood capsule: The inner side of the endocyst gives rise to brood capsule, and also secretes the hydatid fluid. The brood capsule contains number of protoscolices (futurehead)
  • Hydatid fluid: It is clear, pale yellow colored fluid, which is antigenic, toxic and anaphylactic
  • Hydatid sand: Some of the brood capsules and protoscolices break off and get deposited at the bottom as hydatid sand
  • Fate: The hydatid cyst may undergo-(1) spontaneous res olution, or (ii) rupture of the cyst, which may lead to either formation of secondary cysts (carried to other organs) or anaphylactic reaction to the hydatid fluid antigens.
  • site: Most common site of the cyst is liver (60-70%, right lobe) or lung (20%), followed by kidney, muscle, spleen,soft tissue, brain, bone and others 


laboratory diagnosis

  • Hydatid fluid microscopy (direct mount or staining with acid fast staini-detects brood capsules and protoscolices
  • Histological examination (H&E-demonstrates cyst wall and attached brood capsules 
  • Antibody detection ELISA (using 821 antigen), DIGFA (dotimmunogold filtration assay) and western blot
  • Imaging methods-X-ray, USG (demonstrates Water lily sign CT scan MRI
  • Molecular methods-PCR, PCR-RFLP and molecular typing

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