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  1. Size: The size of the spleen varies among individuals and can range from about 7 to 14 cm in length.
  2. Location: The spleen is located in the upper left part of the abdomen, behind the stomach and below the left diaphragm.
  3. Shape: The spleen is generally oval-shaped, but can vary in shape based on individual variations.
  4. Surface: The surface of the spleen is smooth and shiny.
  5. Lobes: The spleen is divided into segments or lobes based on its blood supply and function. The spleen has two main regions: the red pulp and the white pulp. The red pulp is responsible for filtering blood and removing old or damaged red blood cells, while the white pulp is involved in the immune system response.
  6. Blood vessels: The spleen receives blood from the splenic artery and drains into the splenic vein.
  7. Capsule: The spleen is enclosed by a thin, fibrous capsule that protects and supports the spleen.

It is important to note that the spleen plays a crucial role in the immune system and can be affected by various medical conditions, such as infections, autoimmune diseases, and blood disorders. Surgical removal of the spleen (splenectomy) may be necessary in certain cases, but can increase the risk of infections and other complications.

Spleen size by age

Your spleen, like the rest of your body, grows with age. Once you reach adulthood, however, your spleen tends to shrink slightly with each passing decade. The following is a list of the upper limit of normal spleen length by age up to 15 years. For boys and girls, there is relatively little difference in size, according to a study published in the American Journal of RoentgenologyTrusted Source. The average spleen length by age was up to:


3 months

1.9 in. (6.0 cm)

6 months

2.6 in. (6.5 cm)

12 months

2.8 in. (7.0 cm)

2 years

3.1 in. (8.0 cm)

4 years

3.5 in. (9.0 cm)

6 years

3.7 in. (9.5 cm)

8 years

3.9 in. (10.0 cm)

10 years

4.3 in. (11.0 cm)

12 years

4.5 in. (11.5 cm)

15 years

4.7 in. (12.0 cm) for girls, 5.1 in. (13.0 cm) for boys

In a separate study of adults, researchers found that spleen length changed very little from the late teen years through ages 40 to 50.

For women, average spleen length was:


31 to 40 years

4.9 in. (12.4 cm)

41 to 50 years

4.8 in. (12.2 cm)

60 to 70 years

4.7 in. (12.1 cm)

71 to 80 years

4.4 in. (11.2 cm)

81 to 88 years

4.0 in. (10.4 cm)

For men, average spleen length topped out at:


31 to 40 years

4.7 in. (12.1 cm)

41 to 50 years

5.3 in. (13.4 cm)

60 to 70 years

4.5 in. (11.5 cm)

71 to 80 years

4.4 in. (11.2 cm)

81 to 88 years

4.6 in. (11.7 cm)

There is great variability in spleen size from person to person, with age, height, and sex all affecting spleen length. Other studies have found slightly different averages. The key to remember is that your spleen grows steadily during childhood, slows its growth into adulthood, and then shrinks in older age.

Disease or other circumstances can affect spleen size at any age. The spleen can also hold extra blood. Depending on how much is being held in reserve at any one time, the length and volume of the spleen can change. The reserve is helpful if you ever have a medical emergency and lose blood. The extra blood can help keep blood flowing for a short time until the bleeding is stopped.


Determining spleen size and diagnosis with an ultrasound

During a physical examination, your doctor can usually tell if your spleen is enlarged. A blood test to check your levels of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets may also be ordered to help diagnose the cause of a spleen enlargement.

Imaging tests, including ultrasound, help measure the size of your spleen and whether it’s crowding your other organs.

An abdominal ultrasound is often preferred for evaluating the spleen because it’s easy to do and doesn’t require any radiation. Ultrasound uses sound waves to create images of inside the body on a computer screen. An ultrasound “wand” is rubbed on the outside of the belly, which is coated with a special gel. This gel helps transmit the sound waves through the skin and to the parts inside the body.

Ultrasound can usually measure the length of the spleen along a center line (axis) accurately. It can also measure the width and thickness of the spleen, which can typically tell the doctor whether the organ is abnormally large or small. In most cases, however, the concern is about an enlarged spleen.

An abdominal ultrasound can help detect other conditions, too. Some of them include:

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